Kunst & Kultur

Loony Tunes

nick hornby ist okay. nicht toll, fantastisch, grandios, aber auch nicht langweilig, schlecht oder unterirdisch. okay eben.

sehr wohl fantastisch fand ich allerdings speaking with the angel, eine sammlung von 12 kurzgeschichten, herausgegeben von nick hornby. wenn zadie smith drinne ist, kann das ja nur gut sein, dachte ich. und ja, gut ist es – wer hätte gedacht, dass colin firth auch ganz passable geschichten schreiben kann? (ich nicht.)

what i reckon is: everyone’s a loony. however normal anyone seems, deep down inside they’re actually mental, every single person in the world and the whole of your life you have to learn not to seem mental to other people, who are all mental, too. deep down you speak this different language – you talk in a loony language which doesn’t talk in your voice, i don’t know. maybe it screams really loudly or something. i mean we’re all born mental, aren’t we? if you think how babies act – we really don’t stop being like that. everyone wants to scream loudly, and grab things without asking and break them, but it’s not allowed, is it? so what you have to have is a kind of anti-mental translator-device, which translates all your mentalness into normal speech – and you’ve got to learn to use it, and it’s got to be working properly – or you get found out for being a loony.”

auszug aus colin firth, „the department of nothing“