In 2020, I reactivated my neglected postcrossing account. What else to do when you’re stuck at home during a pandemic, right?
„Please share the greatest advice you’ve ever received“ is the wish I posted for the kind strangers who were to be sent my address. This is a growing collection of the answers that have made it to my mailbox.

We’re enduring the COVID-19 crisis for the present. However, something fun can be found during this difficult time. Stay safe and keep a positive mind.
– Tomoko from Japan

I don’t like advice because people usually give it when you’re not asking for it!
– Diane from the United States of America

My biggest advice for you is: don’t be a victim! No matter what „challenges“ life has in store for you, try to see the positive and realize that you are powerful and proud!
– Kerstin from Germany

The best advice i ever received is to enjoy life. You never know when life will end.
– Michael from the United States of America

The best advice was given to me by my mum a long time ago: „March to the beat of your own drum.“ I try to follow this advice to this day. I do what I feel is the right thing to do and what makes me happy. Hopefully you’ll find this advice useful as well.
– Klára from the Czech Republic

Really good friends are people who know us very well and still stand by us. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
My motto is (despite this difficult and crazy time): give every day the chance to become the best of your life. Good advice: see above!
– Kerstin from Germany

No entertainment is as inexpensive as reading, no pleasure of such long duration. (Mary Wortley Montagu)
As a bookseller, all I can say is keep calm and read a book: In the pandemic I read 2 good dystopias: a) Mandel: Station Eleven and b) Moini: Der Würfel!
– Dorothea from Germany

I think the saying on the front is good advice: Keep calm and find the good in today. I also never go to bed angry. Anger not dealt with becomes toxic emotions of resentment, depression, lack of motivation. Let it go.
– Marci from the United States of America

This is awful, I can’t remember any advice I have received! Why?! Haven’t I listened to or do I have bad memory?! My father didn’t advice much by words but he taught me to respect and love nature. Every Sunday we went on a long walk along the river bank in our village. Now at age 61 I still love to be by that river and watch how flows in the middle of the old forest, looking at how wind blows in the trees.
– Maija from Finland

Live each day like your last, but remember to plan for the next.
– Grigory from Russia

Don’t forget: You don’t need much to lead a happy life
– Anja from Germany

One of the best pieces of advice I received was
„Take care of your best friends, and know who they are.“
It is deep.
– Luke from the United States of America

I’d say the best advice I have ever been given is that one should always go for what one loves the most – doesn’t matter if it’s a person, job, a destination. Because no matter how long it takes, it will be worth it in the end!
– Lukás from Slovakia

I am a little bit young to give advice, but my mom always says this: „Don’t make any decision when you’re mad.“
– Doris from Canada

„You can do more. Just believe“ – it’s written on the front. I think everyone has got such advice at least once in their life.
– Nataliya from Russia

Always give 100 percent.
Except when donating blood!
– Thore from Germany

There is a word which is precious to me especially when I write to postcrossers. The word ‚Ichigo-ichie‘, which is originally used at the tea ceremony, means ‚Treasure every encounter‘. So, thanks for the chance to see you in a lifetime, Julia.
– Keiko from Japan

1) Do not insert tweezers into 220 V socket.
2) Going to the village fill full tank.
3) You cook, add the chopel and onion and the dish will be gourmet.
4) The main thing in the theater is not to snore.
5) Drink vodka eat meat.
6) Vodka + beer = brain explosion.
7) Live in love and do not be sad.
– Veniamin from Belarus

Invent your world. Surround yourself with people, colors, sounds, and work that nourish you.
– Rélitza from French Guiana

Animals never cut the branch on which they sit!
– Eve from Germany

Every day is a bonus and every day ends too quickly.
– Annu from Finland

If you need some cheer today
Find a tree along your way
Give it a hug, show it some love
Life now won’t seem so tough
– Bruce from the United States of America

A good piece of advice I received a long time ago from a 90-year-old woman from Stuttgart: Whenever you think you can’t go on, a little light comes from somewhere!!!
– Angeline from Belgium

The best piece of advice I can remember now was „Stop thinking, start doing“.
– Alena from Russia

No day you are younger than today. Then. Don’t hesitate to challenge new things!
– Eriko from Japan

My best advice received was from my English teacher: „Get involved with something first and then form your own opinion!“
– Stefan from Germany

Piece of Advise: Chase dream is indeed important. But I want to chase dream when I have enough money in my pocket.
– Fleur from Hong Kong

Let it be
– Mandy from the Netherlands

The greatest advice I’ve ever been given is that anxiety is sometimes normal and doesn’t always means that something needs to be fixed.
– Mari from Finland

Maybe the greatest place I’ve ever been is the Norwegian waterfalls and fjords. I advice you to see these amazing views!
– Margarita from Russia

All you need is tea
– Stéphane from France

The best life lesson I ever got is on the other side – and so far it’s accurate: Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
– Denice from Germany

My greatest advice that I received from my beautiful mother (she died in May 2017) – „Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.“ – It’s called the Golden Rule. – When I was young I hated that saying. Now I live by it.
– Lori from the United States in America

My greatest advice: Go outside! Enjoy nature, people, buildings etc.
– Inge from the Netherlands

Be Honest to Yourself!
– Mika from Finland

Recently in one of the books I read this advice, „hurry slowly“. I.e. do everything in order and do not rush. I think this is very good advice. Especially for me now, when there are a lot of problems. You can’t solve them all at once, but one at a time is quite real.
– Tatiana from Russia

The greatest piece of advice I have been given in my life is to not rush through it but to find your own pace and meaning. There is no hurry to complete university at 22, get married by 30 or buy a house at 35, as long as you are making progress, contributing to society and finding your own happiness 🙂
– Ryan from Singapore

Greatest piece of advice I have ever gotten.. Huh.. I thought about this for a long time, and honestly? I don’t know. Maybe I’m still waiting to hear it..
– Tiia from Finland

Love and live the moment.
– Heike from Germany

There is so much advice out there. It is difficult to choose one. Anyway, enjoy life.
– Duc from Switzerland

„You always have to dress warmly enough down below.“ My mother drove me crazy with this saying. She’s been dead 5 years and 3 years ago at my wedding I had my 1st bladder infection, LOL, oh well.
– Monika from Germany

The greatest piece of advice was when my mother told me not to marry a very bad woman. Mother accurately predicted this woman would betray me.
– Someone from the United States in America

You asked to share a great advice. I like for example the next one, about jealousy. It seems that the author of this quote is Honore de Balzac:
„You are loved or not loved. In both cases jealousy is completely meaningless.“
– Eugene from Russia

The greatest advice of my life comes from Lao-Tse: „Do nothing and everything is done.“ Of course you are not supposed to be lazy, the phrase helps me especially in moments of chaos.
– Reinhold from Germany

Your words have power
– Mandy from Taiwan

My advice for you is written on the postcard: Follow your heart, it knows the way. And I haven’t always followed my heart, which I regret now. But yeah, you’ve to stay positive!
– Jan from the Netherlands

Carpe Diem
– Antje from Germany

My biggest advice, always be friends with honest and light-minded people. Because we become like the people we spend time with. I think about these issues a lot. I’m a philosophy teacher. Of love.
– Betül from Turkey

There are so many good reasons to be happy. Just pick one!
– Martin from Germany

My advice to you: live, not exist 🙂
– Maksym from Ukraine

Here is the best advice I have been given: The best way to predict your future is to create it 🙂
– Julie from the United States of America

The best advice I have received so far is from myself: Don’t listen to what others say, but trust your gut.
– Nicole from Germany

Being grateful goes a long way.
– Aizelle from the United Arab Emirates

My best advice: treat other people the way you want to be treated!
– Detlef from Germany

I think I have 2 best pieces of advice. 1st: Always be honest to yourself. Never do what you don’t really want, no matter who asks you for it. 2nd: If you decide to do something but are still afraid, then be afraid but do it!
– Olga from Russia

Here is a funny saying for Friday: For health and a long life without great sorrow I know no better remedy than foolishness.
– Jörg from Germany

Best Advice? Join the Army
– Tom from the United States of America

Some good advice I pass along, „Stay true to yourself and respect life!“
– Uta from Germany

Best advice: There’s no shame in asking for help.
– Lærke from the United Kingdom

Worry in the heart oppresses a man; but a kind word delights him.
– Petra from Germany

Best advice: Life can be short, and we cannot predict what will happen to us. So do your best, be kind, and don’t put off doing some of the things you want.
– Diane from the United States of America