thanks for all the lovely emailstextmessagescalls 🙂
so… no new year’s resolutions here. what about you?
did you have a good time celebrating new year’s eve?
this time me and my friends weren’t in that much of a go-out-and-party mood, so we decided to stay in. lena and sophie dug out the raclette set, we put on our party hats and just had a good time pouring lead (apparently, i need to make use of my contacts in 2012. interesting!), playing party games and drinking the most palatable punch. shortly before midnight, we hiked (yes, hiked!) up a hill and had a spectacular view over the city. fireworks are so much more enjoyable from a distance. no need to shirk from exploding firecrackers or coughing your lungs out from all the smoke. we toasted to the new year with cava from plastic cups and didn’t even mind the cold rain (maybe this was due to the amount of alcohol drunk). wore my newly-mended turtle mirror as a necklace for good luck. have i mentioned that i’m very animally these days? ah, well.

watched “the strange woman” with hedy lamarr and george sanders (top-notch sideburns!) the next day.
and that was that.
let’s make the best of 2012, i say. just in case the mayas were right and the world should come to an end in december, you know.