Kunst & Kultur

Chez Julia + more music in May

may is promising to be a such a good month for music. my soundtrack to may include the tracks above (stream them here) and this estonian dancefloor smash hit called „valged ööd“. yay for guilty pleasures. and for double umlauts!

speaking of guilty pleasures: there are only 14 days left until the finals of this year’s eurovision song contest. i am excited. and i say this with pride, ha! in order to get into the mood, i give you another playlist (spoiler alert!): 57 years of chansons, schlager music, eurotrash, and other oddities.

also, a very special treat is waiting for us at the end of the month. you’ve done such a good job, maifeld derby booker! i’m ready to have your babies now. i mean, look at this line-up! right? rejoice, people, rejoice. i’m gonna need to get one of those time-turner thingies hermione uses so i won’t miss anything.

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then there’s janelle and erykah’s collaboration which resulted in one damn fine tune;  basement jaxx are back and make my feet move in the usual fashion; fall out boy starred in a very strange video for their new single (that weirds me out even more than the one by basement jaxx). lastly, i’m wowed over and over again by this yeah yeah yeah’s performance, vampire weekend (as per usual), and this dude playing a bluesy version of „bohemian rapsody“.

such a good month for music, yes.